Michael Price
Shifting salmon distribution in response to climate and land-use change.
I'm a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow with an overarching aim to ensure climate resilient salmon populations and Indigenous food security for the future. Broadly, my research explores how salmon and their freshwater habitat are responding to climate change and land-use development. Specifically, my work documents the spatial shift in spawning distribution of salmon within a large northern BC watershed over a century of change in climate and industrial logging. Similar to my doctoral research, I use a rich collection of fish scales - in addition to aerial photographs and glacier reconstruction - as my window into the past to better understand the colonisation of new habitat by salmon. My work is a partnership between Simon Fraser University, Gitanyow Nation, and SkeenaWild Conservation Trust.
Learn more about my research at: www.michaelprice.org
Email: mhprice [at] sfu [dot] ca