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Kyle Wilson


Understanding the cross-scale social and ecological processes influencing fishery resilience


I am generally interested in understanding the cross-scale social and ecological processes that influence variable outcomes in natural resources, like sustainable or collapsed fisheries. By integrating social and ecological processes, I hope to generate credible advice on the basic limits of fishery resilience to help guide fisheries management. Furthermore, this integrated perspective may allow us to better navigate tradeoffs between the well-being of people and biological conservation. Some of my past research projects have involved (1) complex social-ecological systems theory and application, (2) basic population ecology and life-history variation of exploited fishes, (3) lake trout management and ecology, and (4) improving and using fisheries monitoring data to test ecological hypotheses.


My postdoctoral research in the Salmon Watersheds Lab will progress on many of these themes. For example, I will study shifting productivity over time between competing steelhead and coho salmon populations in the Keogh River to understand some of the key drivers of steelhead declines. As well, I will develop theoretical social-ecological models to understand patterns and outcomes in spatially structured watersheds with empirical case studies on both salmon and other fisheries. This kind of research is inherently interdisciplinary, touching both the social and ecological domains, and tends to be both collaborative and quantitative. If you are keen for a collaboration, shoot me an e-mail!

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Twitter: @klwilson23

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