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 Jonathan Moore


Position: Associate Professor, Liber Ero Chair of Coastal Science and Management

Research Interests: Ecology and conservation of aquatic ecosystems



Sam Wilson


Position: PhD Student (Biology)

Research Project: What makes a climate change winner?


Kyle Chezik


Position: PhD. Candidate (Biology)

Project Description: Understanding agents of stability in dendritic networks during periods of disturbance and developing tools to exploit these inherent properties to better manage freshwater stream resources



Will Atlas


Position: PhD. Candidate (Biology)

Project Description: Landscape drivers of salmonid biodiversity and their implications for fisheries resilience.



Kara Pitman 


Position: PhD Candidate (Biology)

Project Description: Investigation of the interconnectivity of Pacific salmon, climate and vegetation.


Ciara Sharpe


Position: MSc. Student (Biology)

Project Description: Linking habitat to fish utilization of the Skeena River Estuary



Colin Bailey


Position: MSc. Student (Biology)

Project Description: Quantifying and describing an energy transfer from pink salmon to steelhead



Paul Weidman


Position: Postdoctoral Fellow (REM)

Research Interests: Global change biology; aquatic ecology; cumulative and interactive effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems; trophic interactions among benthic and pelagic bacteria, algae, invertebrates, and fish; plankton ecology; ecological stoichiometry; biogeochemistry; ecosystem modeling



Michael Arbeider

Position: MSc. Student (Biology)

Research Project: Food web ecology of juvenile salmon in the Skeena estuary



Karl Seitz

Position: MSc. Student (Biology)

Research Project: Examining life history strategies employed by coho salmon in the Koeye River estuary and isoscape mapping to create a foundation for future estuarine food web investigations

Elissa Sweeney-Bergen

Position: MSc. Student (Biology)

Research Interests: Investigation of genetic and environmental variables that contribute to increased vulnerability of species or populations

Luke Andersson

Position: Lab Manager

Research Interests: Coastal ecology and the effects of predator-prey interactions on cross-boundary salmon nutrient transfer



Kirsten Bradford

Position: Lab Technician

Research Project: Examining variations in energy availability in Skeena sockeye salmon 


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