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Post Doctoral Fellows

Justin Yeakel


Position: Post Doctoral Researcher

Current Position: Omidyar Fellowship at the Santa Fe Institute

Project Description: Synchronization and stability of river metapopulation networks


Mark Novak


Position: Post-Doctoral Researcher (UCSC)

Current Position: Faculty at Oregon State University


Joel Harding


Position: Postdoctoral Fellow (Biology; Instream Fisheries)

Research Project: Examining and improving the efficacy of PIT tag arrays in estimating population sizes of salmonids




Eduardo Martins


Position: Post Doctoral Researcher, LiberEro Fellow

Research Project: Cumulative effects on Fraser River sockeye salmon




Ph D. Students

Michael Beakes


Position: PhD Candidate

Project Description: The effects of anthropogenic and natural disturbance in lotic ecosystems

Completed September 2014


Corey Phillis


Position: PhD Candidate 

Project Description: Dam Anadromy: The ecology and evolution of a migratory life history

Completed September 2014

Ann-Marie Osterback


Position: PhD Candidate UCSC, co-advised by Carr

Project Description: The effect of avian predation on juvenile salmonids

Completed May 2014 


Masters Students

Charmaine Carr-Harris 


Position: MSc. Student (Biology)

Project Description: Early marine dynamics of Skeena River sockeye salmon

Completed January 2015


David Scott


Position: MRM student (Resource and Environmental Management)

Project Description: Evaluating the effects of flood proofing barriers on fish communities in urban streams

Completed December 2014

Holly Nesbitt


Position: MRM student (Resource and Environmental Management)

Current Position: Associate at Compass Resource Management

Project Description: Dendritic biodiversity and stability of First Nations fisheries throughout the Fraser River watershed

Completed March 2014


Corinna Favaro


Position: MSc. Student (Biology)

Project Description: Fish assemblages and potential barriers in urban streams

Completed December 2013


Rebecca Seifert


Position: MRM student (Resource and Environmental Management)

Project Description: Assessing flood box designs to balance flood protection and fish biodiversity

Undergraduate Students and Technicians

Megan Vaughan


Position: Lab Manager

Research Interests: Effects of climate change on species interactions in aquatic communities



Audrey Laîné

Position: Visiting Research Scientist

Research Project: What makes a climate change winner?

Christopher Pan

Position: Lab Technician

Research Project: Using scale analysis to determine size-biased mortality in steelhead

Luke Warkentin


Position: ISS Undergraduate (Biology)

Project Description: Impacts of infrastructure development on urban stream communities

Ellika Crichton


Position: Research Technician

Project Description: Quantifying the reliance of salmon on the estuary ecosystem of the Skeena River using stable isotope analysis.

Jen Gordon


Position: Research Technician

Project Description: Assessment of the suitability of flood protection infrastructure for support of salmonid populations

Angela Fortune


Position: Research Technician

Current Position: Graduate Student, UVic

Project Description: Using scale analysis to determine estuarine growth of Pacific salmon

Steve Sharron


Position: Honours student

Current Position: MSc. Morby Lab, Western University


Rachel Charish


Position: Field Technician

Current Position: Undergraduate student at SFU


Laura Twardochleb


Position: Lab/Field Technician

Current Position: Graduate Student, University of Washington


Nic Retford


Position: Lab/Field Technician

Current Position: Graduate Student, UCSC


Cristina Cois


Position: Lab/Field Technician


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